Root user removal from Azure
Root inherited user removal from Azure using following 3 CLI methods.
Azure CLI:
You can use the az role assignment delete command to delete a role assignment at the root level. For example, to remove the Owner role from a user with the email address, you can run this command:
az role assignment delete — assignee — scope “/” — role Owner
To remove a root (inherited) user from Azure, you need to use one of the following methods:
1- PowerShell:
You can use the `Remove-AzRoleAssignment` cmdlet to remove a role assignment at the root level. For example, to remove the Owner role from a user with the email address, you can run this command:
Remove-AzRoleAssignment -SignInName -Scope “/” -RoleDefinitionName Owner
2- Azure CLI:
You can use the `az role assignment delete` command to delete a role assignment at the root level. For example, to remove the Owner role from a user with the email address, you can run this command:
az role assignment delete — assignee — scope “/” — role Owner
You can use the Role Assignments — Delete REST API to delete a role assignment at the root level. For example, to remove the Owner role from a user with the email address, you need to first get the object ID of the user and the role definition ID of the Owner role, and then make a DELETE request to this URL:
where `{scope}` is `/`, `{roleAssignmentName}` is a GUID that uniquely identifies the role assignment, and `api-version` is the version of the API.